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London tragedy

Supports available in wake of terrorist attack

Campus and Community

By Dr. Vianne Timmons

On Sunday, June 6, four members of a family in London, Ont., were killed and a child was injured in a premeditated attack because of their Muslim faith. Our country is once again in mourning.

Memorial University extends sincere condolences to the family and friends of the London family who was so tragically targeted. We stand in sorrow with the Muslim members of our community.

Please know there are resources available for members of our community who may require support in the aftermath of this tragedy.

There are resources available for all employees through the Employee Assistance Program.

Students who are in need of support are encouraged to contact the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre.

The 24-hour mental health crisis line can be reached provincewide at 1-888-737-4668 or you can text ‘talk’ to 686868.

Anti-Muslim hate has no place in Canada, and no place at Memorial. Our university is stronger because of the diversity of its people. We affirm our commitment to providing a safe and respectful environment where all members of our community are valued and supported.

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