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Memorial University Act

Amendments tabled in the House of Assembly

Campus and Community

An update from Glenn Barnes, chair, Board of Regents, and Dr. Neil Bose, president and vice-chancellor, pro tempore:

This morning in the House of Assembly, Dr. John Haggie, minister of Education, tabled details of Bill 39 An Act to Amend the Memorial University Act.

The amendments will now be debated in the House of Assembly in the coming days.

We welcome these amendments to the Act that will provide necessary changes to allow the provincial government to appoint faculty members to the Board of Regents as Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council (LGIC) appointments.

This is good news for Memorial. We are also pleased to hear Minister Haggie noting that this is just the first step in ongoing work to modernize the Act.

Other changes in the proposed amendments will revise the Act’s language to be gender-neutral and update references to other relevant legislation.

To follow the progress of this and other legislation, visit the House of Assembly’s website and see Bill 39 in the current list of legislation.

More information is available in the government’s news release.

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