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Mental health awareness

Information sessions and a Mental Health Fair planned for May

Campus and Community

By Melissa Watton

Employee Wellness is shining a light on mental health issues during the month of May through a series of Brown Bag Lunch and Learn sessions on the St. John’s Campus.

“These sessions cover a number of topics from bullying in the workplace to understanding loss and moving beyond,” said Kathleen Wall, employee wellness consultant with the Department of Human Resources. “I encourage employees to attend these free sessions as they provide valuable information on supports and resources available.”

The Brown Bag Lunch and Learn sessions will take place weekly starting Monday, May 2, and will run up to and including Monday, May 30. To accommodate lunch schedules, each session will be repeated twice on each date offered (times offered include 12–12:50 p.m. and 1–1:50 p.m.). To reserve a seat, please email kwall@mun.ca and ensure to indicate your preferred time.

In addition to the Brown Bag Lunch and Learn sessions, Employee Wellness has partnered with the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre for a Mental Health Fair to showcase resources offered on campus and in the community. This fair will take place on Thursday, May 19, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on the third floor of the University Centre.

Kelly Neville, wellness consultant and case manager with the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre, anticipates the fair will be helpful to both students and employees alike.

“This is a great collaboration with Human Resources that builds upon our initiatives from last year. This fair will highlight resources that are available and beneficial to all,” she explained.

Information on the mental health fair, including a listing of participating organizations, will be posted to the Human Resources website www.mun.ca/hr during the week of May 9.

Brown Bag Lunch and Learn schedule

Topic:                 Mindfulness Communication
Date:                     Monday, May 2
Facilitator:           Tina Pomroy, Pomroy Harmony and Wellness
Location:               A-2065

Excellence in communication is key for excellence in leadership. Mindful communication improves relationships, reduces conflict and allows for a higher level of understanding, creativity and empathy.  Mindful communication also means being aware of emotions and being able to manage them. Practicing mindfulness in communication helps to raise emotional intelligence. In this 50 minute session, participants will be introduced to this concept using an exercise/activity.

Topic:                 Bullying in the workplace
Date:                     Monday, May 9
Facilitator:           Elaine Kufudi, Shepell Fgi
Location:             A-2065

Unfortunately, bullying is far too common in the workplace and can have dire consequences for the victim. From causing feelings of anxiety to a lack of sleep and nervousness, bullying not only affects work productivity but can have long-lasting psychological effects. In this seminar, participants will learn how to play a proactive role in assisting someone that is being bullied and how to stop bullying in the workplace for good.

Topic:                 Understanding suicide
Date:                     Monday, May 16
Facilitator:           Bonnie Lundrigan, Shepell Fgi
Location:               A-2065

Being able to recognize the risk of suicide and learning how to intervene in these difficult situations requires training. With the right knowledge, skills and strategies, it’s possible to serve as a support to those in need. This seminar will present the myths, taboos and realities surrounding suicide and provide participants with the tools to effectively intervene.

Topic:                  Understanding loss and moving beyond
Date:                      Monday, May 30
Facilitator:           Bonnie Lundrigan, Shepell Fgi
Location:               A-2065

The more you know about how to survive and rebuild after a loss in your life, the faster you can take positive action to get your personal and professional life back on track. This session will examine the process of grieving a loss (i.e., of a loved one, a job, health, a child moving away, etc.) and provide practical strategies for living through and beyond the various types of losses that can be experienced in life. Participants will gain insight into effective and proactive healing and rebuilding strategies and learn how to work through the changes caused by loss in order to move forward.

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