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Message from President Kachanoski

Supports available in the wake of student death

Campus and Community

By Dr. Gary Kachanoski

The news of the tragic passing of a member of our university community this week is sad for us all.

Allison Smith was a new student at Memorial, and I offer my deepest condolences to her family, friends and loved ones, and to all of you who may have known Allison.

We are working to offer support to the family and to you, members of our university community. For students and employees who feel they could benefit from counselling and support, I encourage you to avail of these services.

For students, a drop-in centre will be available in UC-4002 from 12-2 p.m. today. Please drop by to talk with support staff or fellow students. Coffee, tea and snacks will be available as well. This is a space to come together as a community for a time of reflection and support.

Students should always feel free to contact the Counselling Centre at 864-8874 or in UC-5000, Student Support and Crisis Management at 864-7594 or in UC-3005, the Chaplaincy in UC-3006, or, for students in residence, speak with Residence Life for any emotional or academic assistance you may need. There is also a 24-hour mental health crisis line available for students at 737-4668.

For employees, we have ongoing resources available to you through the Employee Assistance Program.

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