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Message from President Kachanoski

Supports available in the wake of sudden death

Campus and Community

By Dr. Gary Kachanoski

I am saddened to share the news of the sudden passing of a member of our university community on campus last evening, a student who lived in Cluett Hall at Macpherson College.

I offer my condolences to the student’s family, friends and loved ones, and to all of you who may have known the student.

Our immediate priority is to offer support to the family and to members of the university community. I encourage students and employees who feel they could benefit from counselling and support to avail of these services.

For students, a drop-in centre has been set up in the Cluett Hall multi-purpose room (first floor of Cluett Hall) and it will remain open as long as it is needed. Please drop by to talk with counselling, support staff or fellow residents. It can be helpful to share some thoughts and needs with others during this difficult time.

Students should always feel free to contact the Counselling Centre at 864-8874 or in UC5000, Student Support and Crisis Management at 864-7594 or in UC3005, the Chaplaincy in UC3006, or speak with Residence Life for any emotional or academic assistance you may need. There is also a 24-hour mental health crisis line available at 737-4668 for students.

A counsellor from the Employee Assistance Program will be on campus at 1:00 p.m. today in UC4011 for any employees who require support, and as always employees have ongoing resources available to them through the Employee Assistance Program.

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