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Message of support

President Kachanoski responds to Sri Lanka attack

Campus and Community

By Dr. Gary Kachanoski

The Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka were an appalling act of violence.

On behalf of the entire Memorial University community, I would like to express our deepest sympathies to the bereaved families and those who were injured.

To the Sri Lankan members of our community, we stand with you in this time of sorrow.

Help available

Please know there are resources available for those who may require support in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Counsellors at the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre are available Monday-Friday. Appointments can be made in person or by telephone (864-8500).

Student support is also available through the Student Support and Crisis Management office, located on the fourth floor of the University Centre (UC-4023). The office is available to any student who has been impacted by this tragic event and is in need of support. Students can contact the office via email or by telephone (864-7494).

Employees can access resources through the Employee Assistance Program.

The 24-hour mental health crisis line can be reached provincewide at 1-888-737-4668 or you can text ‘talk’ to 686868.

We are stronger as a community when we respect one another’s beliefs, learn from each other and rely on each other in times of hardship. Diversity is one of Memorial’s greatest strengths and I reaffirm my commitment to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all members of our campus community.

Candlelight vigil

On Friday, April 26, the Sri Lankan Students Association along with the Sri Lankan community in St. John’s will hold a candlelight vigil.

The vigil will take place from 6:30-7 p.m. in The Landing (UC-3018). All are welcome to attend.

Donations are welcome but not required and will be sent directly to the Catholic Archdiocese of Colombo to support families of those killed or injured in the bombings.

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