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MUNdays 2016

Spirit days revamped, anchor events remain front and centre

Campus and Community

By Mandy Cook

While this year’s MUNdays sound similar to years’ past – campus favourites like Fill the Square and the food market are still on the itinerary – things are looking a little different in 2016.

Much like this year’s approach to first-year orientation — one day of fun and games for new students was expanded to a six-day Welcome Week — MUNdays will become a variety of spirited events spread out over the school year, instead of five days concentrated in the month of October.


“The change is a natural continuance of Welcome Week for new students and will make Memorial’s spirit days more accessible for students at all levels and the university’s employees,” said Dr. Cecilia Reynolds, deputy provost (students) and associate vice-president (academic), undergraduate. “It will also help to bring about a greater awareness of MUNdays and a greater engagement in student life and the workplace.”

Check it out!

MUNdays 2016 has already kicked in, with Café Concerts taking place over the lunch period in the University Centre and a photo walk around Long Pond.

On Thursday, Oct. 13, the 35th annual Alumni Tribute Awards will see four remarkable Memorial alumni honoured and recognized for their contributions to the university and their communities during a gala dinner at The Sheraton Hotel in St. John’s.

On Friday, Oct. 14, the Fill the Square kindness event will be sure to see non-perishable food items for the Campus Food Bank and winter items for VOCM’s Coats for Kids initiative pile up at Paton College.

Also on Friday, the MUNdays Food Market will offer up local and delectable lunches (including baked goods for dessert!) in The Landing at the University Centre. Bring your appetite, Tupperware to reduce waste and for leftovers, and cash – ATMs can be located in the UC!

On Monday, Oct. 17, it’s the 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) academic competition at The Landing in the University Centre from 1-3 p.m. An 80,000-word thesis would take nine hours to present. Their time limit is 3 minutes. The clock’s ticking!

In the evening, it’s the always popular Dining Etiquette Workshop. Finally figure out what fork goes with what course in the Junior Common Room, R. Gushue Hall, from 6-9 p.m.

Find the full MUNdays schedule online.

That’s just the start — stay tuned for more MUNdays in the coming weeks and months!

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