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Musically inclined

School of Music offers courses and ensembles for everyone

Campus and Community

By Marcia Porter

Did you love playing in a band or singing your way through junior and senior high school? Are you into music but registered for another program?

Perhaps you think that coming to Memorial means you’ll have to put your guitar or violin in the closet for a while.

Well, fear not — the School of Music has courses and ensembles for you.

‘Great passion’

“A lot of students who come to Memorial University come here with a great passion for music,” said Dr. Ian Sutherland, dean, School of Music. “But they don’t think they can continue that interest in university.”

Many students aren’t aware of the many courses available to them – whether it’s a class in North American pop music or Newfoundland and Labrador folk singing, playing in a jazz ensemble or singing soprano in a chamber choir.

Picture of smling femaile student on banner from School of Music which highlights courses available to all students
Memorial’s School of Music offers a series of courses and ensembles that students in every faculty can take.
Photo: Submitted

There’s even a course for learning the fundamentals of how musicians read, write and hear music.

“What is so exciting about these courses is that they allow musicians and music lovers to follow their passion no matter what program of study they have at Memorial,” said Dr. Sutherland. “Who wouldn’t want to take a course in pop music? There’s so much depth and variety.”

To learn more, please visit online. You can register for courses as you would for any other Memorial course.

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