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Note from the editor

Gazette to suspend regular publishing schedule

Campus and Community

By Mandy Cook

While Memorial University continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gazette will suspend its regular publishing schedule.

However, the Gazette will continue to provide updates from the Memorial’s emergency operations centre, messages from senior members of the administration and submissions from Memorial’s faculty and staff who have expertise to share that is relevant to the situation (e.g., social distancing, parenting in times of pandemics, managing anxiety, history of pandemics, etc.).

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve in the coming weeks, the Gazette will reassess its publishing schedule and planning.

In the meantime, please stay tuned to the site for COVID-19 related information.

We hope to soon return to bring our readers stories that showcase Memorial’s best, from its standout students to outstanding researchers and educators to public engagement success stories.

Please take good care of yourselves!

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