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Personal message

President Kachanoski shares some personal news

Campus and Community

By Dr. Gary Kachanoski

I write to share some personal news. After periodic illness over the past few months, I was admitted to hospital late last week with severe anemia. Testing has resulted in a diagnosis of non-Hodgkins gastric lymphoma. My medical team has advised that the lymphoma is localized and treatable through chemotherapy/radiation over the next three to four months. Teresa and I are very optimistic and encouraged by the stellar medical attention I have received over the past several days.

My plan is to continue working throughout treatment, however, as this proceeds there may be times when I will not be able to fulfill the duties of president and vice-chancellor. If I am absent, as per usual practice, I will designate Dr. Noreen Golfman or another vice-president to serve as acting president and vice-chancellor. I thank Board of Regents Chair Iris Petten and the vice-presidents for their unwavering support during this time.

I also thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding during the coming months.

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