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Phenomenal professor

John Lewis Paton award deadline is April 1

Campus and Community

By Jackey Locke

Memorial is accepting nominations for its highest institutional honour.

The John Lewis Paton Distinguished University Professorship, is presented to a faculty member who embodies Memorial’s mission, demonstrating exceptional teaching, undertaking world-class research and sharing their knowledge and expertise nationally and internationally.

Nomination packages are due by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 1.

‘Exceptional individuals’

“We are incredibly fortunate that our Memorial community is made up of exceptional leaders, innovators and changemakers who are making significant contributions to our world,” said Dr. Tana Allen, vice-president (research). “We welcome nominations for this prestigious honour to celebrate the unique accomplishments of our phenomenal professors.”

Named in honour of Memorial University College’s first president, the John Lewis Paton Distinguished University Professorship is presented during the President’s Awards reception.

The award comprises the lifetime designation, Distinguished University Professor, and a one-time unrestricted grant ($20,000) to support future research, teaching and/or public engagement activities at Memorial.

Past honorees

Previous recipients include Dr. Proton Rahman, Faculty of Medicine; Dr. TA Loeffler, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation; Dr. Nancy Dahn and Prof. Timothy Steeves, School of Music; Dr. Ursula Kelly, Faculty of Education; Dr. William Montevecchi, Faculty of Science; Dr. Barbara Neis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Dr. Alex Faseruk, Faculty of Business Administration; Dr. John Brosnan, Faculty of Science; and Dr. Patrick Parfrey, Faculty of Medicine.

April 1 deadline

More information about the award, including its terms of reference and information on materials required for nomination packages, is available online.

Those considering applying should contact their unit’s grants facilitator (or, if the unit has no grants facilitator, the person with signing authority for your unit) to confirm if there are earlier, internal deadlines. Internal deadlines must be factored into the timing of the development and submission of applications.

Nomination packages must be submitted electronically by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 1.

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