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Policy review

Review of a number of non-academic, university-wide, policies and procedure

Campus and Community

Memorial University is in the process of reviewing a number of its non-academic, university-wide, policies and procedures.

Two of these policies are being launched for review by the Memorial community in accordance with the university policy framework and include travel outside of Canada policy and equity, diversity and inclusion in employment.

Members of the university community are invited to provide feedback on the documents and forward comments to the Office of the Board of Regents by Aug. 19, 2021.

Feedback from the consultation process will be considered in the drafting of the final policy.  Final policy approval by the board of Regents is anticipated during fall 2021.

The policies being reviewed can be found below.

Travel outside of Canada

This policy, designed to outline the responsibilities and procedures that serve to mitigate risks associated with travel outside of Canada, has been revised to provide additional clarity to processes and considerations when travelling outside of Canada.

The consultation draft for this policy and its procedures can be found here.

The current version of the policy can be found here.

Equity, diversity and inclusion in employment

This policy aims to outline the university’s commitment to its core value of equity, diversity and inclusion in employment as articulated in Memorial’s strategic plan, Transforming Our Horizons.

The consultation draft has an increased level of detail on key aspects of equity, diversity and inclusion in the Memorial community, such as the roles of the Employment, Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee and the Joint Equity Committee.

The consultation draft for this policy can be found here.

The current version of the policy can be found here.

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