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Presidential search update

Process underway to select committee members

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Memorial University’s Board of Regents is responsible for hiring the university’s next president as outlined in the Memorial University Act and guided by the Presidential Search, Selection and Appointment Policy and its related procedure.

At its meeting on Dec. 7, the Board approved the terms of reference and membership structure for the Presidential Search Committee (PSC).

Dr. Neil Bose is currently serving as president and vice-chancellor pro tempore and has been appointed to the role until April 5, 2025, or until the appointment of the next president, whichever occurs first.

“Among the Board of Regents’ greatest responsibilities is leading the process to select Memorial’s next president,” said Glenn Barnes, chair of the Board. “We are committed to a process that is transparent and accountable while maintaining the necessary confidentiality of potential candidates. The university community, including the full board and Senate, have my commitment that I will keep them apprised of the process and its progress over the coming months.”

To facilitate a wide-ranging, consultative presidential search process, the Board established the following PSC membership structure:

  • The chair of the Board as chair of the committee;
  • Four other Board members, to be chosen by the chair;
  • Four members of the faculty, chosen by the Senate, with one member from each of the St. John’s campus, Grenfell Campus, Labrador Campus, and the Marine Institute;
  • Four students to be chosen by them from each of the respective unions, as follows:
    • Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union (MUNSU);
    • Marine Institute Students’ Union (MISU);
    • Graduate Students’ Union (GSU);
    • Grenfell Campus Students’ Union (GCSU);
  • An academic administrator, chosen by them from among themselves;
  • A non-academic administrator, chosen by them from among themselves;
  • One member of the public at large, chosen by the chair.

Requests have been made to each of these groups for representatives to sit on the PSC. The Board is also currently seeking an individual to represent the public at large.

“It is vital that the Presidential Search Committee contains a mix of individuals who represent the values of the university and can provide the varied expertise and experience needed by the search committee,” noted Mr. Barnes. “It is important that consideration be given to the indigenization, equity, diversity and inclusion goals of the university in forming a committee able to advance these institutional goals.

“I also encourage members of the public who have an interest in Memorial University and its governance to consider putting their name forward for the member of the public at large role.”

Individuals interested in being considered as the member of the public at large are asked to submit a letter of interest with a resumé to Tina Scott, secretary to the Board of Regents, no later than Friday, Feb. 2. Inquiries can be directed to Ms. Scott at 709-864-8281 or via email.

More information on the search process is available online. Updates on the committee membership and the search process will be posted as they become available.

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