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Proactive disclosure

New web page serves as a hub for easy access to information

Campus and Community

By Laura Barron

Recognizing the importance of public access to information, Memorial University has launched a new proactive disclosure web page which serves as a hub for easy access to a variety of governance and operational information.

Proactive disclosure is the periodic release of information by a public body without a formal access to information request under the ATIPP Act, 2015. As a public university dedicated to teaching and learning, public engagement, and research and scholarly activity, Memorial routinely makes a wide variety of information publicly available throughout its more than 40,000 web pages.

Pan-university proactive disclosure initiative

Recognizing that the university could be even more transparent, the university’s Vice-Presidents Council commissioned a working group to develop a pan-university proactive disclosure initiative. The resulting web page is based on a review of other public organizations’ proactive disclosure practices and an analysis of Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA) requests to Memorial over the past two years.

The web page brings together links to several categories of institutional information, including the 2016-17 operating budget, institutional data and reports, information on recent ATIPPA responses issued by the university, and newly collated data on senior leadership hosting and travel expenses.

Work on proactive disclosure and related procedures is continuing under the guidance of the Information Access and Privacy Advisory Committee. The web page will be updated periodically as other types of information that can be proactively disclosed are identified and gathered.

For more information, contact Memorial’s Information Access and Privacy Office.

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