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Provincial budget

Memorial responds to 2023-24 government budget

Campus and Community

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador today released the 2023-24 provincial budget.

This budget included a decrease of $10.6 million in the operating grant to Memorial University. This does not include the Faculty of Medicine, which received an additional $4 million in its operating grant from the Department of Health and Community Services.

The budget included increases to the Student Financial Services Program as well as increased seats in both the Faculty of Medicine undergraduate medical education program and the Faculty of Nursing’s nurse practitioner program.

“Memorial welcomes the direct support of Newfoundland and Labrador students included in today’s budget,” said Dr. Neil Bose, acting president of Memorial University.

“We are pleased that the university can play a role in the initiatives to improve health and health outcomes for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. Operating grant decreases were expected for the coming year. We will now review the budget in detail to understand all implications for the university. This work will inform the preparation of the university’s budget for the year ahead.”

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