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Return to campus postponed

Memorial responds to rising cases of COVID-19 in N.L.

Campus and Community

Due to rising cases of COVID-19 throughout Newfoundland and Labrador at this time, Memorial University is postponing the return to campus initiative for non-academic staff scheduled for this week.

This applies to all campuses and locations. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

The university remains open and people who have been working from their offices are still able to do so. When on campus, employees should follow public health guidelines and posted signage including physical distancing, wearing a mask, hand washing and staying home when sick. A daily COVID-19 self-assessment check is available online and in the MUN Safe app and must be completed daily before coming to campus.

Memorial University’s priority since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, has always been, and still is, the health and safety of the campus community.

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