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Revised survey

All faculty and staff asked to complete self-identification survey

Campus and Community

By Melissa Watton

Memorial has updated its self-identification survey and is asking all faculty and staff to login to my.mun.ca and complete the revised survey.

The survey is a requirement of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Employment policy. Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic), is the policy sponsor.

“The survey is an important part of the university’s commitment to an inclusive work environment,” said Dr. Golfman.

“Information collected is analyzed and compared against relevant labour market data to identify areas of under representation in the university’s workforce and to remove barriers to employment and advancement. To get a true picture of our workforce, it is important that everyone take the time to complete the survey.”

Updated questions

While many Memorial employees have completed the survey in the past, questions and definitions have been updated.

A notable change in the questions is that in addition to the four designated equity groups (women, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities, and visible minorities), employees who identify as being a member of a sexual or gender minority are being invited to self-identify.

Voluntary and confidential

“While completing the survey is voluntary, we are asking all faculty and staff to please consider doing so,” said Tina Hickey, employment equity officer at Memorial. “Completing it at this time enables employees to update the information they have submitted and ensures employees who have yet to self-identify are included in the data collected.”

To access the two-minute survey, login to my.mun.ca and select the following tabs: Employees; Current Pay, Leave, Equity and Employee Self Service Data; and Employment Equity Survey.

All responses will be kept strictly confidential with access limited only to those employees working directly with employment equity and related data. Individual data is never released.

Questions regarding the survey can be addressed to Ms. Hickey at 709-864-2548 or by email.

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