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Seasons greetings

A holiday message from Memorial's president

Campus and Community

By Dr. Gary Kachanoski

As the holiday season approaches and 2017 draws to a close, many of us take time to reflect on the past year and think about our aspirations for the future.

Members of the Memorial University community have both benefitted from and been challenged by local, national and global events of the past 12 months. As individuals and as an institution we were called upon to be increasingly adaptable and responsive, while remaining true to our values and beliefs.

Learn, live and work

A look around our campuses proves that our institution is becoming more and more diverse.

Students from a decade or two ago would hardly recognize the place. Students, faculty and staff from different backgrounds, different cultures and different life experiences and choices make Memorial a richer and better place to learn, live and work.

And an increasingly diverse community means we are often challenged to adjust how we think, how we speak and how we act. Diversity doesn’t automatically create inclusivity; it’s something we need to consciously choose to foster through words and actions each and every day.

Looking ahead

As 2017 winds down and you head off to mark the break in whatever manner your customs, beliefs and traditions include, I encourage you to think about how you will continue to contribute to our community in 2018.

It has been a personal honour to meet so many inspiring and dedicated people the past year. I continue to be humbled to be part of this great institution that is dedicated to building a more just and peaceful world, through education, research and service to our communities.

I wish each of you a safe, peaceful and happy holiday season.


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