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Second term

Reappointment of associate vice-president (research) announced

Campus and Community

By Jeff Green

At its regular meeting on Feb. 4, the Board of Regents approved the reappointment of Dr. Ray Gosine as associate vice-president (research) for a second five-year term effective May 2016.

Last November, Dr. Gosine indicated his interest to be renewed. In accordance with the procedures governing the appointment, review, promotion and tenure of academic administrators, a committee was established to complete a review of Dr. Gosine’s performance. Chaired by Dr. Richard Marceau, vice-president (research), the committee also included faculty, staff and a graduate student.

“After a rigorous process, including consultations with internal and external stakeholders as well as the solicitation of feedback through an online survey, the committee recommended Dr. Gosine for reappointment,” said Dr. Marceau. “The feedback received through the review process was overwhelmingly positive about renewal of Dr. Gosine for a further term. I am delighted with the endorsement of our Board of Regents.”

“As Memorial’s associate vice-president (research), Dr. Gosine has played a critical role in the growth and ongoing success of our university’s research activities. I offer him sincere congratulations and I look forward to continuing our work over the next five years.”

While serving as associate vice-president (research), Dr. Gosine has supported, contributed to and led a number of pan-university strategic research priorities. These have included the development of the Research Strategy Framework; the Strategic Research Intensity Plan; the integration of Genesis Research within the vice-president (research) portfolio; the creation of the Strategic Internationalization Plan; and the ongoing facilitation of major partnerships with funders and stakeholders.

Dr. Gosine is also the chair of an independent panel conducting a public review of the implications of hydraulic fracturing operations in Western Newfoundland. He has also been heavily involved in the creation of the new Technology and Commercialization Strategy, which was approved by the board on Dec. 3. This progressive strategy aims to bolster the economic impact of Memorial’s research outcomes. One of his primary responsibilities during his new term will be the implementation of the strategy.

“There are 18 different recommendations in that strategy, ranging from policy and procedure review to establishing different support structures for tech transfer, commercialization and support of project management,” said Dr. Gosine. “There are lots of interesting challenges associated with implementing the recommendations and I look forward to playing a key role in addressing those challenges.

“The most enjoyable part about being the associate vice-president (research) is seeing my efforts help faculty, staff or students and their research partners make progress with a significant research opportunity that needed some administrative support to get going,” he added. “I look forward to continuing that work.”

A Memorial alumnus, Dr. Gosine is also professor of electrical and computer engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science as well as the J.I. Clark Chair of Intelligent Systems for Operations in Harsh Environments.

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