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Sick note change

Relaxed requirements for employee sick notes

Campus and Community

Memorial’s Pandemic Preparedness Committee is committed to reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Memorial is following the decision of regional health authorities and is relaxing the usual requirement and waiving notes for employees experiencing respiratory illness less than 14 days.

The measure is intended to lessen the pressure on family clinics and emergency rooms and decrease the potential spread of the virus. You are required to notify your immediate supervisor with respect to your absenteeism.

This will be reassessed as the need arises.

If you are experiencing symptoms following out-of-province travel, call 811 to speak to a registered nurse. If you are severely ill and feel you need emergency medical attention, please call 911 and ensure you tell them about your travel history.

For employees who are absent from work due to other types of illnesses, medical documentation is required in accordance with the respective collective agreement or the Handbook for non-bargaining employees.

For more information about Memorial’s response to COVID-19, please visit the website.

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