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Spring registration update

Registration dates for undergraduate and graduate students

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

The revised start date for spring registration for undergraduate students will begin Monday, April 13.

Registration for graduate students will begin Monday, April 27.

Updated registration times will be sent to students via their @mun.ca email address and will also be viewable in Memorial Self Service.

Memorial’s spring semester, including intersession and summer session, will continue with remote instruction of all courses at all campuses of Memorial University.

This means in-person, on-campus courses will not resume before September 2020.

Start and end dates the same

Semester start and end dates will remain the same.

Students will be informed via their @mun.ca email of their new registration time when it has been assigned.

The Marine Institute will communicate directly to its students any changes to its technical session, summer semester and work terms. As updates become available, they will be posted here.

The Faculty of Medicine will communicate directly to its students any changes to spring semester, summer semester, electives and clinical learning. As updates become available, they will be posted here.

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