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Statement from chair

Statement from Iris Petten, chair, Board of Regents

Campus and Community

On Monday afternoon I unexpectedly received a resignation letter from one of our students who serve on the university’s governing Board of Regents. It contained some very concerning statements about how she feels she was treated at the board meetings she attended over the past year. I was surprised by her allegations as she had never raised these important matters with me before. I immediately called and spoke with her to request a meeting to discuss in more detail her concerns and was awaiting her reply.

It is disappointing that this sensitive matter has now been made public on the MUNSU website before we had an opportunity to explore her concerns.  I also regret that the student felt that she needed to resign.

The students, elected alumni, community leaders and administration officials who serve on our board will be examining the concerns that have been raised and will determine the appropriate course of action.

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