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Students vote against program

Administration recommends to not proceed with U-Pass proposal

Campus and Community

Results of the vote on a U-Pass program for Memorial University were released today.

Memorial University’s administration will recommend that the Board of Regents not proceed with a U-Pass program for Memorial University and will bring this forward for conclusion at the March Board of Regents’ meeting.

Students were asked if they were in favour of the proposed program and 71 per cent of those who voted said no.

Full-time Memorial University undergraduate and graduate students registered at the St. John’s campus, Centre for Nursing Studies and Marine Institute cast their votes on the proposed U-Pass program from Feb. 26-28, 2019.

Of the approximately 12,565 eligible voters, 6,977 cast their vote.

  • Total number of eligible votes submitted: 6,977
  • Approximate voter participation rate: 56 per cent
  • Total number of “Yes” votes: 2,012
  • Total number of “No” votes: 4,965

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