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Sudden passing

A message from President Kachanoski to the Memorial community

Campus and Community

It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I share this news.

Dr. Richard Marceau
Dr. Richard Marceau
Photo: Dave Howells

Memorial University lost a great champion and gentleman overnight with the sudden passing of Dr. Richard Marceau, vice-president (research). Our collective thoughts and deepest sympathy are with his wife and family.

Richard came to Memorial in 2013 after a distinguished career as an academic and professional engineer. During his time in Newfoundland and Labrador he worked tirelessly to enhance Memorial’s research capacity so that this university and its people can continue to positively impact the world around us. Daily his personal approach was the same — bringing a kind and positive outlook to the challenges and opportunities of academia, as well as the challenges that life brings us all.

When we have more information about funeral arrangements and how we will mark his passing as a community, we will share them with you. I’m sure the university community joins me in sending our condolences to Richard’s family and colleagues.

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