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Support available

Wide range of services available to Memorial employees

Campus and Community

By Melissa Watton

Need support with a health, family, life, work or money issue?

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by LifeWorks offers assistance with all of these subjects and everything in between.

EAP is a comprehensive, confidential service available to Memorial employees, retirees and their immediate family members (provided they are also covered under the university’s health plan) at no cost, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

EAP offers clinical counselling and work-life services covering a variety of subjects such as personal well-being (e.g. stress, grief, anxiety and addictions), relationship issues, family planning, child and elder care, money management, legal advice, career counselling, health-care advice, nutrition and retirement planning.

Accessing EAP

EAP is easy to use and provides assistance to hundreds of people annually, says Glen Roberts, manager, benefits and pensions, Department of Human Resources.

“Last year, EAP was accessed 596 times by Memorial employees, retirees and their families,” said Mr. Roberts. “Users provided feedback that the service was easy to use and most indicated that they would use the service again.”

Kerri Farrell, customer success manager, LifeWorks, is encouraging more people to use the program.

“I would encourage anyone experiencing an issue that is concerning to them, whether it is urgent or not, to please consider EAP,” she said. “Often we are good at managing everyday stressors on our own, but there are times when an outside perspective can be very helpful. This is where EAP can be a valuable service and can be accessed by calling or through online programs.”

EAP services are available in-person, by telephone, email and online. For immediate, confidential EAP support, please call 1-800-387-4765 (TTY Service: 1-877-388-0275). Online services are available at Workhealthlife.

LifeWorks presentation

During Memorial’s Employee Town Hall on Jan. 17, a LifeWorks presented to the attendees.

Please see some of the presentation slides below to see how LifeWorks and the EAP can help you. To access the full presentation, visit here.

The words "How can we help" are displayed along with a listing of clinical counselling and work-life services

The LifeWorks clinical team is equipped to help with a broad range of issues.

The words "professional consultations" is displayed along with information detailing LifeWorks legal, financial and career counselling services.

Services available online and by telephone are listed including nutrition and health consultations, family support and the LIFT fitness program.

Additional supports

Memorial is working on adding additional supports and programs to assist employees as we continue through the pandemic.

To access the current listing of employee wellness programs, please visit here or visit the Human Resources calendar of events for upcoming webinars from LifeWorks and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). CCDI also has a knowledge repository; to access the resources available (including a webinar titled Starting the Conversation – Mental Health at Work), please register here.

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