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Tax season underway

Tax slips provided electronically for most

Campus and Community

By Melissa Watton

The end of one calendar year and the beginning of another signals a change in focus for the payroll team at Memorial.

While busy with the regular demands of running a bi-weekly payroll for employees and a monthly one for pensioners, the team begins the process each January of preparing thousands of tax slips for Memorial’s employees and pensioners. Last year alone, the team issued 14,198 tax slips.

Electronic distribution

According to Stephen Dodge, director, Department of Human Resources, this information is provided electronically for most.

“Memorial has been offering employees and pensioners the option of logging into my.mun.ca to receive their tax information electronically for a number of years now and last year the university expanded its electronic distribution of tax information to all employees,” said Mr. Dodge.

“More than 82 per cent of T4s, T4As and NR4s were issued electronically at Memorial last year and we are hoping to increase this number this year.”

Most of the tax slips that are printed are T4As for pensioners. If a pensioner wishes to switch from printed T4As to receiving their information electronically, they can do so by contacting MyHR by Feb. 4, 2019 at 864-2434 or by emailing myhr@mun.ca.

If a pensioner does not switch to receive their information electronically, they will receive their information in the method they have chosen in the past.


Kelly Martin, payroll manager, Human Resources, says there are a number of benefits to receiving tax information electronically.

“The electronic distribution of tax information via the my.mun.ca portal provides employees with a secure and timely method to receive this important information,” Ms. Martin said.

“Employees can access and print their tax information as soon as it is posted and benefit by having their tax records retained and stored from previous years.”

All employee tax slips will be made available in the my.mun.ca portal by the end of February. Once posted, employees will be able to download their tax slips and print them.

A Newsline will be issued informing the university community once they are available. If an employee wishes to also receive a printed version from Human Resources they can do so by contacting MyHR after the slips have been posted online.

A requested tax slip will then be mailed within five business days to the home address the employee has on file with Human Resources.

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