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Tax slips now available

2018 tax information posted online

Campus and Community

All current Memorial employees and pensioners who signed up to receive their tax information electronically can now access their 2018 tax slips online.

Tax slips can be accessed by logging into my.mun.ca and choosing the following tabs:

  • Employees
  • Current Pay, Leave, Equity and Employee Self Service Data
  • Employee Services
  • Tax Forms
  • Slips for Income Tax Return
  • The next tab for a current employee will be T4-Statement of Remuneration Paid. A pensioner will see T4A – Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income. Please note, if a pensioner worked at Memorial during the year they will need to download both a T4 and a T4A at this point.

To print your T4 or T4A, please select the printable version button and ensure you allow pop-ups.  If you require assistance setting your browser to allow pop-ups, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 864-4595.

Pensioners who have not signed up to receive their tax information electronically will receive their T4As by mail to the home address they have on file with Human Resources.

If a pensioner wishes to switch to electronic T4As, they can do so by contacting MyHR at 864-2434 or by email at myhr@mun.ca.  Once signed up, the tax slip for 2018, and the slips for all years going back to 2013, will be available immediately to view and print.

If an employee wishes to request a printed copy of their tax slip from Human Resources, they can do so by emailing MyHR.  Their T4 will be printed and mailed to the home address on file within five business days.

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