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Tentative agreement reached

Next steps include ratification by the Board of Regents, MUNFA

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

The negotiating teams for Memorial University and the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association (MUNFA) have reached a tentative agreement on Friday, Feb. 10, 2023.

“We are pleased to have reached a tentative agreement today,” said Dr. Neil Bose, interim provost and vice-president (academic). “Overall, the contract provides a generous package of improvements to support our valued faculty colleagues, while at the same time maintaining the long-term viability of Memorial University.”

Next steps include ratification by the Board of Regents as well as by MUNFA’s members.

The university will not share further details of the tentative agreement while the ratification process is ongoing.

“I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the negotiating teams for both Memorial and MUNFA for their hard work in reaching this agreement, as well as to the many employees who supported our students throughout the labour dispute,” said Dr. Vianne Timmons, president of Memorial University.

Further details will be shared directly with students as they become available, including a potential timeline for return to classes.

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