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Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer

Documentary screening, panel discussion on transgender individuals and cancer

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Cancer can affect any of us.

However, some groups of folks experience extra hardship or barriers. The LGBTQ community is among them.

“Scientific knowledge about cancer in transgender individuals is limited,” said Dr. Sevtap Savas, a professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University and lead for the Public Interest Group on Cancer Research. “That is why it is particularly important to raise awareness about their experiences, discuss the unique challenges and opportunities they face and the current state of health care in Newfoundland and Labrador when it comes to transgender individuals with cancer.”

To do so, the group is hosting a free, public and virtual event on lived cancer experiences of transgender individuals in partnership with Quadrangle N.L. on Thursday, May 16.

“It’s important to hear about experiences around the subject of cancer from the trans community because from listening, we learn what changes need to be made in health care to ensure care comes from an intersectional lens,” said Charlie Murphy, executive director of Quadrangle N.L.

The event will feature a screening of Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer, a documentary following the lived cancer experiences of Brooks Nelson and Yee Won Chong, two transgender individuals undergoing ovarian and breast cancer, respectively.

Brooks Nelson
Photo: Submitted
Yee Won Chong
Photo: Submitted







Following the documentary, there will be a panel and Q&A discussion with a number of local special guests, exploring topics such as whether or not the health-care system can provide appropriate cancer care to transgender people with cancer; their experiences in clinics; what health-care workers need to appreciate and what needs to change to provide appropriate care; and what needs transgender individuals with cancer have, in terms of information and support.

Free for all to attend

The Public Interest Group on Cancer Research is a local public-scientist partnership with a focus on increasing awareness about cancer, creating and disseminating public and scholarly knowledge on cancer, and advocating for the individuals, families and communities affected by cancer.

This is a free event and is open to all. Interested individuals can register here. You will then receive the event link and related updates via email.

Find more information about the speakers and the documentary on the website.

The Public Interest Group on Cancer Research thanks the Office of Public Engagement, Memorial University, for Quick Start funding, and NLSUPPORT for supporting the event and the partnership.

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