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Unit investigator announced

Final report by Dr. Sandra LeFort expected in April

Campus and Community

By Virginia Middleton

Dr. Margaret Steele, dean, Faculty of Medicine, has announced that Dr. Sandra LeFort has been appointed as the investigator for the faculty’s unit assessment.

Dr. LeFort is a professor emerita in the School of Nursing at Memorial. She has had a distinguished career as a researcher in the area of chronic pain, an educator in both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs, and an academic administrator.

She was appointed director of Memorial’s School of Nursing from 2004-08 and served as Memorial’s interim associate vice-president academic and as acting deputy provost (students) and associate vice-president academic (undergraduate studies) in 2013. She has also served on numerous university review committees both at Memorial and other Canadian universities.

April report

Dr. LeFort will start her work the week of Jan. 15, 2018.

She will gather information that relates to issues of bullying, intimidation, harassment, sexual harassment and a safe and respectful learning environment in the Faculty of Medicine and make recommendations for the faculty.

It is anticipated that the report will be completed by April 15, 2018.

The terms of reference can be found here. The investigation will involve the call for written submissions by learners, staff and faculty members. There will also be the opportunity for learners, staff and faculty to meet individually with the investigator.

On Nov. 23, 2017, a memo was issued to all faculty, staff and learners in the Faculty of Medicine from Dr. Steele regarding concerns raised about the Faculty of Medicine’s learning environment.

Upon its completion, the recommendations of the report by Dr. LeFort will be sent to President Gary Kachanoski for his review.

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