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We must do better

Statement from President Vianne Timmons

Campus and Community

By Dr. Vianne Timmons

Anti-Black racism and anti-Asian racism have no place at our university.

It infuriates me that I have to say this.

But this morning I was made aware of hateful, racist correspondence sent to the Black Student Association at Memorial.

This morning in the media we heard Lisa Fang, a PhD student in the Faculty of Medicine, talk about her lifelong reality of dealing with anti-Asian racism here in this province, racism only made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic.

And we are all aware of the tragedy that happened this week in Atlanta – eight people were killed, including six women of Asian descent.

We stand together

It is appalling that these things are happening.

We will not accept racism of any sort on our campus. We condemn all types of prejudice and bigotry in any form it takes.

Memorial University – the people who make up the Memorial community – are committed to providing a safe, respectful environment for all members of the campus community.

We stand together in saying NO to hate.

There are resources available for any community member who feels unsafe. Students may seek support through the Student Code of Conduct co-ordinators or the Student Support and Crisis Management Team.

Employees may reach out to the Equity Office at equity@mun.ca. Student supports are also available through the student unions, MUNSU, GSU, MISU and GCSU

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