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Newfoundland Quarterly seeking contributions from emerging artists

By Janet Harron

Newfoundland Quarterly, Canada’s oldest continually published magazine, is looking to showcase emerging local artists on its pages.

“Part of the job of the magazine is to promote and celebrate all kinds of different things,” said editor Joan Sullivan. “Right now, thanks to Instagram and other platforms, illustration is exploding, for example.”

Noah Bender personifies the sort of talent Ms. Sullivan is eager to attract.

A self-trained freelance photographer, illustrator and musician, Mr. Bender exemplifies the thriving community of emerging artists currently inhabiting downtown St. John’s.

“It feels especially urgent and prescient to be creating physical publications containing important, well-curated information.” — Noah Bender

His cover artwork graced the Quarterly’s summer 2019 music-themed issue; for Mr. Bender, the experience was “a dream.”

He describes his work as a way of exploring the tensions between our current industrialized and technology-focused selves and the imperative to live in harmony with the natural world “if we are going to survive on this planet.”

And as a creative who has only just recently incorporated an iPad into his artistic practice, Mr. Bender says he is still a big fan of print.

“There’s a curious evolving trend of greater transience of digital information, where the need for endless new content makes it practically impossible to hold onto anything beyond an envelope of a week or two,” he says. “It feels especially urgent and prescient to be creating physical publications containing important, well-curated information that isn’t going to be immediately lost in the deluge of digital information.”

Previous publishing not required

Ms. Sullivan is eager to hear from artists working in all genres but does caution that the Newfoundland Quarterly tends to use graphic art and painting more frequently than photography. She would prefer artists submit “some level” of professional portfolio but previous experience exhibiting or publishing is not a requirement.

“We sometimes use a standalone drawing in an issue, but also might commission an artist to illustrate a particular article, or highlight work in our portfolio section.”

Newfoundland Quarterly pays artists in line with the current VANL-CARFAC fee schedule and each edition (four per year) uses approximately 50 illustrations which can encompass cartoons, paintings, drawings and photos.

Anyone interested in submitting their work for consideration can receive further details from Ms. Sullivan.

Anyone interested in Mr. Bender’s work can view some new pieces at the upcoming Big Love Show at Bannerman Brewery in St. John’s on Feb. 13.

Newfoundland Quarterly was established in 1901.

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