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Seeking partnership

Grenfell Campus moving forward with plan to find composter partner

By Melanie Callahan

Grenfell Campus has issued a request for expressions of interest for the use of the campus’s industrial-grade composter.

The expressions of interest will close Nov. 17. The new operator is expected to be in place by mid-winter 2017. 

The Grenfell Campus composter
The Grenfell Campus composter

“After five years of successful composting, it was announced in August that the compost operations would be suspended — hopefully temporarily — because the composter is not an economically viable venture,” said Rayna Luther, director, Facilities Management.

In seeking a new operator, Grenfell Campus is flexible and open to learning about new opportunities and options.

“The successful proponent will be chosen based on the ability to successfully operate the composter while achieving the campus’s interests,” said Ms. Luther. “Those interests include the continuation of composting applicable waste produced on campus and support of initiatives that benefit our students as they learn more about sustainable resource management, in particular how the composter actually works and the processes involved.”

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