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A memoir: Creating a University

Research | Books at Memorial

Creating a University: The Newfoundland Experience is a collection of memoirs by more than 30 former faculty and staff of Memorial University — a series of “MUNographies”— about personal and professional experiences working at Newfoundland and Labrador’s only university.

It is something of a Memorial University family reunion, without a drunken uncle.

In the years covered by this volume, primarily 1950-90, few Memorial faculty were Canadians, let alone Newfoundlanders or Labradorians.

These “come from aways” arrived in the middle of a post-colonial cultural renaissance, which saw a movement toward new interdisciplinary studies, and laid the groundwork for many of the programs and courses that are offered at the university today.


Stephen Harold Riggins taught sociology at Memorial University for 25 years. Dr. Riggins has edited four books about the ethnic minority media, sociological theory, and material culture studies.

Dr. Roberta Buchanan immigrated to St. John’s in 1964 to teach English literature. She was a founding member of the women’s studies program at Memorial University.

Creating a University: The Newfoundland Experience is published by ISER Books. ISER Books is the publishing division of the Institute of Social and Economic Research in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University.

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