Memorial is accepting nominations for the Marilyn Harvey Award to Recognize the Importance of Research Ethics.
The institutional honour celebrates ethical research leadership.
It is presented to a student, staff or faculty member, retiree or alumni who has distinguished themselves by their actions and contributions to scholarly research and embodies the institution’s commitment to excellence in research ethics.
These efforts may take the form of service (past or present) to ethics committees (locally, nationally or internationally), mentorship of colleagues or students on matters related to research ethics or other demonstrated contributions or achievements associated with research ethics.
The award is named in honour of Marilyn Harvey, a research nurse who brought forward her concerns regarding research ethics to senior administrators at the university.
Previous recipients
Dr. Kati Szego, professor, School of Music, is the most recent recipient of the award. Dr. Szego joined Memorial in 1995, establishing its program in ethnomusicology and was a founding member of the school’s ethics review committee.

Other recipients include Dr. Kathy Hodgkinson, Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Fern Brunger, Faculty of Medicine; and Dr. Larry Felt, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Nomination information
Applications are due on Tuesday, June 1, at 5 p.m. and must be submitted electronically.
Please contact your unit’s grants facilitator (or, if the unit has no grants facilitator, the person with signing authority for your unit) to confirm if there are earlier, internal deadlines. Internal deadlines must be factored into the timing of the development and submission of applications.
More details about the award, including its terms of reference, are available online.