The deadline for nominations for a pair of institutional awards is on the horizon.
Nov. 1 is the nomination deadline for the President’s Award for Outstanding Research, which recognizes young faculty researchers who have made outstanding contributions to their scholarly disciplines. Each award includes a $5,000 research grant.

Last year’s recipients are Dr. Karen Goodnough, in the Faculty of Education, whose research interests include problem-based learning, science education, school-university partnerships and teacher inquiry/action; and Dr. Christopher Rowley, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, who uses computer simulations to study biophysical chemistry and other complex chemical processes.
“The award was a really wonderful way to bring attention to my research, but also to recognize the work of my students and the colleagues who supported me,” said Dr. Rowley.
“There aren’t very many research awards available to junior faculty, so I hadn’t received any awards since graduate school. It was very nice to be able to put something under awards on my CV again, which is surprisingly important when applying for grants or other recognition.”
Nov. 30 deadline
University Research Professors have acquired a designation above the rank of full professor.
The title is the most prestigious award the university gives for research and/or creative activity and goes to faculty members who have demonstrated a consistently high level of scholarship in their field, including graduate student supervision and other mentoring activities, and whose research and/or creative activity is of a truly international stature.
The award carries with it a lifetime designation, an unrestricted research grant of $4,000 each year for five years and a reduced teaching schedule. The deadline for nominations for University Research Professor is Nov. 30.
Dr. Nancy Dahn and Prof. Timothy Steeves, Canada’s premier violin and piano ensemble, both received this honour last year. The duo form the world-acclaimed group, Duo Concertante, and are both faculty members in the School of Music.
Dr. Thomas Michalak, professor of molecular virology and medicine (hepatology) in the Faculty of Medicine and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Molecular Virology, also received a University Research Professorship last year for his studies into viral hepatitis and antiviral research.
A full list of past recipients, as well as terms and conditions for both awards, is available online.