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Finding the funding

New database helps researchers discover funding opportunities


By Moira Baird

Researchers looking for funding opportunities have a new tool at their disposal.

Research Grant and Contract Services (RGCS), a unit within the Vice-President (Research) portfolio, has launched a new searchable database, which allows researchers to easily find details on internal and external funding opportunities.

Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, administrators, staff and post-doctoral fellows can access the database.

Weekly update

Users can also subscribe to a new email listserv to receive highlighted funding opportunities once a week.

“Research Grant and Contract Services is committed to enhancing our services to Memorial’s research community,” said David Miller, director, RGCS.

“This new funding opportunities database is an outcome of the university’s Strategic Research Intensity Plan (SRIP), which aims to strengthen all aspects of research at Memorial, including supports and services to our researchers.”

Strategic research themes

Approved in 2014, SRIP is a road map that builds on the university’s institutional Research Strategy Framework supporting Memorial’s vision “to be one of the most distinguished public universities in Canada and beyond” by 2020.

The framework identified Memorial’s strategic research themes and these priorities are reflected in the new funding database. The themes identify areas of significant research opportunity for Memorial as well as existing areas of research strength.

Learn more online about funding opportunities and to access the new database.

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