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Fully implemented

Phase two of Memorial Researcher Portal launched


By Jeff Green

Researchers can now submit their funding applications and supporting documents online.

As of Dec. 12, phase two of the Memorial Researcher Portal was fully implemented.

As of Dec. 12, phase two of the Memorial Researcher Portal was fully implemented.

That means researchers submitting research funding proposals to Research Grant and Contract Services (RGCS) and the Marine Institute’s Office of Research and Development can now do so at the click of a mouse.

Memorial Researcher Portal applications are for internal processing only. They do not take the place of a sponsor-specific application, such as those submitted for tri-council funding through agency portals.

Once submitted, the application will pass through the principal investigator’s departmental and faculty approvers. The researcher will be able to view the status of the file anytime.

Transition period

Those researchers who are in the midst of a funding project and have mostly submitted in paper form or those who require more time to transition, will have two months — until Feb. 14, 2018 — to switch over to the Memorial Researcher Portal.

Those researchers who do not already have a Memorial Researcher Portal account are encouraged to request one here.

Training available

Training material can be found on the Memorial Researcher Portal Support site.

In addition, in-person training sessions are available for groups. Those interested should consult with the grant facilitator in their unit about arranging a session for their department or unit, or email RPTraining@mun.ca.

More information about application types and processing can be found on the Memorial Researcher Portal Support site.

The portal is a project of Research Grant and Contract Services, a unit within the Office of the Vice-President (Research).

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