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Gathering input

Proposed changes to Responsible Conduct of Research Framework


By Jeff Green

Memorial is consulting with its internal stakeholders on proposed changes to a federal framework on research.

The Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research announced on Jan. 8 it is looking for feedback regarding a set of proposed changes to the 2011 Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR Framework).

Dr. Richard Marceau, vice-president (research), says he’s hoping to hear from as many people as possible from the university community regarding the proposed changes.

“Memorial is committed to excellence in scholarly activities and ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct are practised by our research community,” said Dr. Marceau. “I encourage our researchers to review the proposed changes and provide us with their comments and ideas. We’ll then share that feedback with the federal Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research.”

David Miller, director, Research Grant and Contract Services, a unit within the Vice-President (Research) portfolio, will be co-ordinating responses.

Mr. Miller will attend the Dean’s Council meeting on Feb. 1; the Senate Committee on Research meeting on Feb. 9; and the Research Council meeting on March 7 to ask for input. Additionally, members of the university community can contact Mr. Miller directly with feedback.

Memorial hopes to have all input by March 18.

The Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research is accepting comments until April 8.

More information regarding the public feedback process is available online.

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