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Honouring women of note

Children's book celebrates ‘amazing’ women of N.L.


By Erin Couch

A new children’s book will take readers — young and old alike — on a fun and informative journey of the many stories of the remarkable women that shaped the course of this province.

Agnes Ayre’s ABCs of Amazing Women is an alphabet book of pre-Confederation Newfoundland and Labrador women,” said Jenny Higgins, the book’s author. “It places a special emphasis on the suffragists, although not every letter is a suffragist. We also look at some other women of note in the pre-Confederation era.”

Watch Ms. Higgins describe how the book came to be and the women who inspired her to write it in the video below.

Ms. Higgins’ upcoming book is set to hit shelves late April. Pre-order is available now through Boulder Publications’ website.

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