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Remarkable researchers

Nominations due Nov. 30 for institutional research awards


By Jeff Green

Memorial is seeking nominations for two of its longstanding research honours.

Since 1984, the President’s Award for Outstanding Research (PAOR) and University Research Professor (URP) have been presented to some of Memorial’s exceptional researchers.

Members of the university community are invited to continue the tradition by submitting nominations for the awards.

Further details

  • The PAOR recognizes young researchers who have made outstanding contributions to their scholarly disciplines. The award includes a $5,000 research grant or one course release (three credit hour equivalent course).
  • URPs have acquired a designation above the rank of full professor. The title is the most prestigious award the university gives for research and/or creative activity and goes to faculty members who have demonstrated a consistently high level of scholarship in their field, including graduate student supervision and other mentoring activities, and whose research and/or creative activity is of a truly international stature. The award carries with it a lifetime designation, an unrestricted research grant of $4,000 each year for five years and a reduced teaching schedule.

Nov. 30 deadline

Completed nomination packages for both awards must be submitted electronically to the vice-president (research), via researchawards@mun.ca.

The deadline is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30. Terms of Reference and Conditions for both honours are available online.

Please contact your unit’s grants facilitator (or, if the unit has no grants facilitator, the person with signing authority for your unit) to confirm if there are earlier, internal deadlines. These internal deadlines must be factored into the timing of the development and submission of these awards.

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