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Seeking feedback

Consultations underway on proposed new Intellectual Property Policy


By Moira Baird

Memorial has launched a review of its current Intellectual Property (IP) Policy and is seeking feedback from the university community and external stakeholders on a proposed draft policy.

The review is led by the Office of the Vice-President (Research) and stems from feedback received during consultations on Memorial’s Technology Transfer and Commercialization Strategy in 2015.

Creator-owned model

“We received constructive feedback indicating the university should revise its IP Policy, which has been in place since 2008, and develop a creator-owned policy,” said Dr. Ray Gosine, vice-president (research), pro tempore.

“The draft IP Policy balances the objective of encouraging greater entrepreneurship by our researchers with the need to facilitate sponsored research supported by the private sector, government and other external organizations that have an interest in access to IP developed at Memorial.”

The draft IP Policy, as well as draft procedures, supporting documents and additional information, are available online.

Feedback welcome

Feedback from all Memorial campuses and external stakeholders will be accepted until Friday, April 7, at 5 p.m., by email or internal mail, Office of the Vice-President (Research), A-2021, St. John’s campus.

The policy and related documents will be revised based on input received during the consultation period and the final policy will go to Senate and the Board of Regents for approval.

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