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Career, culture and language

International ESL students to participate in new Grenfell program

Student Life

By Pamela Gill

Fourteen students from South Korea and Qatar have travelled to Corner Brook to participate in Grenfell’s Career, Culture and Language Education Experience program.

The English as a second language students will be on the West Coast from July 6-Aug. 3. The English language component will require about 20 hours of in-class activities and lessons to improve fluency and confidence when communicating in English.

Exchange students from South Korea take selfies with Mayor Charles Pender following a tour of City Hall in Corner Brook.
Photo: Lori Lee Pike

In addition, cultural activities will provide students with opportunities to put their skills into practice while improving cross-cultural awareness and knowledge of Canada and Newfoundland.

‘Wonderfully different’

“We’re really excited about this program, because the students come from all walks of life – we have young students, and we have a family that travelled here so the mother could join the program,” said Melissa Halford, ESL co-ordinator.

“We’re hoping their time here will open their eyes to our wonderfully different culture, and that the residents of the communities they visit will give them a big Newfoundland welcome.”

As part of the cultural component, the students will travel to Bonne Bay, Gros Morne National Park, where they will take a boat tour as well as visit the Bonne Bay Marine Station.

In Corner Brook, they will learn about Newfoundland and Labrador culture, hike local trails and enjoy music and theatre.

Student driven

Either a career internship or a series of career excursions will also be included. These career experiences were developed to provide exposure to the Canadian workplace and to familiarize students with expectations and norms within Newfoundland and Labrador culture.

“Some of Grenfell’s regular student body will also be involved,” said Ms. Halford. “Several times a week the ESL students will participate in casual one-hour discussion sessions led by Grenfell students.”

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