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Meet Wesley

Getting to know the cast of The New Class

Student Life

By Laura Barron

The New Class is a web series which follows a group of new students as they experience Memorial University’s St. John’s campus throughout the 2016-17 academic year.

The series offers an insider’s view into the opportunities and challenges new students face during their first year on campus, and features 10 students from across the province and around the world.

Meet Wesley Bath

Wesley Bath
Photo: Ritche Perez

Wesley Bath is 17 years old and comes to Memorial from Gander Bay, N.L. He is pursuing a bachelor of engineering degree, is in his first year of undergraduate studies at Memorial and lives on campus in Macpherson College in Student Residences.

The Gazette caught up with Wesley to get to know him a little better.

What are you enjoying most about university life?

What I’m enjoying most about university life is all the diversity that’s here compared to other parts of the island.

What do you find most challenging about university life?

What I find most challenging about university is always having to be in town and not being able to go outdoors in the woods like out home.

How is campus life (or life in St. John’s) different from what you’re used to?

Campus life is different than what I’m used to in two main ways.

The first is that there are so many more people here than out home and, even though you know most of them, you still don’t really know any of them like you know the 50 or so people you grew up with.

The second way it’s different is that it’s a much bigger city than where I’m from and that takes some getting used to.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I like to play sports and just hang out with the b’ys.

What are you hoping to accomplish at Memorial?

I’m hoping to not only get my degree, but to enjoy the four years and eight months that go into getting it.

Watch the latest webisodes of The New Class on our YouTube channel at memorialuniversity.

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