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Navigating success

Innovative technology supports Memorial students along their academic journey

By Rebecca Rebeiro

From deadline reminders to handy tips and tutorials, the Navigate for Students app is a one-stop-shop for managing academic life at Memorial.

Launched last September, Navigate for Students (formerly known as Guide) gives students the ability to view their class schedule, set reminders for important dates, book appointments with Memorial’s student support units, such as the Academic Advising Centre, and more.

Increased success

“This app has enhanced the way we advise and help students,” said Denise Hooper, manager of academic programs, Faculty of Business Administration. “It has streamlined the appointment booking process and made it easier for students to view advisor availability.

“The Navigate platform for academic advisors provides real-time information, comprehensive student records and details from previous advising sessions,” she continued. “We no longer have to reference multiple sources, like email, paper files/documents or other online systems. We especially appreciate that we are able to provide targeted communication campaigns for specific groups of students.”

Navigate marketing poster

Over the last year, students on academic probation who responded well to more than 100 proactive campaigns by academic advisors have been retained at a higher rate, have completed a higher number of credits and have had a greater increase in their term and cumulative GPAs.

Since its launch, the Navigate app has been downloaded by Memorial students more than 5,620 times to schedule more than 12,800 appointments with advisors.

Unique features

Navigate for Students can also help take the pressure off finding peer student support with its study buddies feature.

“Through the app, I can click the courses I am taking and find other people who have also selected to find a study partner in that class,” said Denver Newman, a fourth-year sociology student from Corner Brook, N.L.

“Once I connected with my study buddy last year, we exchanged numbers and met up at least once a week to help each other out. I don’t believe I would have found a study partner without the app.”

There have been 1,700 requests within the study buddies feature by 525 students.

“I would not have gotten through Math 1000 without my study buddy.” — Denver Newman

Students are using the study buddies feature for classes like Algebra and Trigonometry, Calculus I, Critical Reading and Writing: Telling Stories and General Chemistry I.

“I would not have gotten through Math 1000 without my study buddy,” stated Mr. Newman. “Navigate definitely has been a fantastic resource and I am very happy to have the app. I plan on using the study buddies feature throughout the rest of my degree!”

Coming soon

“The university will continue to build momentum for the app as it moves into the next phase of implementation, growing the co-ordinated care network within the system to better help support students,” noted Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic).

The Internationalization Office, The Writing Centre and The Commons are currently being onboarded to Navigate. It is also being rolled out to graduate students.

The Navigate platform is part of the Student Success Collaborative (SSC), a five-year pilot project at Memorial’s St. John’s campus with the goal of providing the highest level of support to students along their academic journey, ultimately increasing retention by connecting students with the right services and supports at the right time.

SSC’s combination of analytics, technology and consulting will enable Memorial to improve student retention and graduation rates; enhance and co-ordinate the student experience at Memorial; and empower students to succeed with the personalized support of advisors and resources tailored to meet their needs.

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