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Op-ed: Dr. Lynne Phillips

A wealth of student support found in the Faculty of Arts

Student Life

By Dr. Lynne Phillips

The Faculty of Arts is proud of its wide and varied student supports.

In the fall of 2016 the faculty launched online Degree Maps, navigational tools designed to help students make the right choices for them throughout their journeys towards a bachelor of arts degree.

These maps cover information relating to academic life, including study tips, career guidance, suggestions for involvement tailored to a student’s choice of program, advice on go abroad programs and on student well-being.

In the fall of every year, new students in the Faculty of Arts receive invitations to a welcome event hosted by the dean of Arts―myself, for the last four years―which introduces students to the faculty and its various departments and highlights support services available to arts students.

ArtsWorks is an award-winning program (now in its ninth successful year) focused on helping students discover how the skills and knowledge they gather while in pursuit of a BA can be turned into tangible future employment or further study. Career development co-ordinator Andrea Keating can help any Arts student who would like direction about all the possible career options available to them upon graduation.

The Faculty of Arts houses the First Year Success program, an enhanced first-year experience for students entering university for the first time. This initiative helps students develop academic skills, offers small class sizes and tutoring sessions, and is dedicated academic and career advising.

The Faculty of Arts encourages undergraduate students to declare a major in order to avail themselves of the supports and benefits a close association with an academic department can bring. These benefits include becoming eligible for departmental awards and scholarships, priority in class enrolment, joining major-based student societies and managing the feelings of isolation that can sometimes result from studying in a large and diverse faculty.

Academic advising is easy to access in the Faculty of Arts, either on the departmental level through undergraduate advisors or via Denise Hooper, senior academic advisor, or Renee Shute, the advisor for interdisciplinary programs.

From left, Denise Hooper, senior academic advisor, with a new student during the Faculty of Arts' 2015 first-year reception.
From left, Denise Hooper, senior academic advisor, with a new student during the Faculty of Arts’ 2015 first-year reception.

In 2015 the Faculty of Arts initiated an annual Convocation Soiree for students and their parents to celebrate their success and the completion of their degree programs. The 2016 Convocation Soiree will take place Monday, May 30. Are you a student graduating with a BA in a few short months? Mark the date in your calendar!

And don’t forget to visit us online: More information about these and other student supports can be found on the arts website, Facebook and Twitter.

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