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Playing a part

Marine Atlantic recognized for contribution to Grenfell athletics

Student Life

By Melanie Callahan

Marine Atlantic was presented with a framed Grenfell Warriors jersey recently in appreciation of its financial commitment to Grenfell Campus athletics.

Since 2014 Marine Atlantic has been a platinum sponsor of Grenfell athletics with a total contribution of more than $50,000.

Grenfell Warriors Wilfred Bellows, Katelyn Osmond and Jillian Chaulk, celebrated Marine Atlantic’s contribution to Grenfell athletes along with Marine Atlantic's Paul Griffin and Dr. Mary Bluechardt (middle).
Grenfell Warriors Wilfred Bellows, Katelyn Osmond and Jillian Chaulk with Marine Atlantic’s Paul Griffin and Vice-President Dr. Mary Bluechardt (middle).
Photo: Lori Lee Pike

Grenfell Campus’s athletic suite currently includes basketball and volleyball teams that travel throughout Atlantic Canada to compete.

Travel assistance

The Marine Atlantic sponsorship has been primarily used to offset travel costs from Newfoundland to the Maritime provinces, allowing student-athletes to connect and compete with their peers at other universities.

“At Grenfell Campus, we know that athletics is not only important to achieving a healthy lifestyle, it’s also about building school spirit and achieving a good student life experience,” said Dr. Mary Bluechardt, vice-president Grenfell Campus.

“We also know that we can’t do it without the help of community partners. We’re very thankful for the support of Marine Atlantic and hope to see this partnership continue into the future.”

“We are very pleased to support the Grenfell Warriors and athletic programs in Western Newfoundland,” said Paul Griffin, president and CEO, Marine Atlantic.

“Through community partnerships, new opportunities are being presented to individuals, groups and organizations throughout our province. I am pleased that Marine Atlantic is able to play a small part in helping students grow and excel in their athletic and personal development activities.”

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