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Standout students

Grenfell students honoured at Student Achievement Awards ceremony

Student Life

By Melanie Callahan

Many deserving students were recognized for excellence in academics and campus involvement at a recent Student Achievement Award ceremony at Grenfell Campus.

The highlight of the event is the presentation of the Arthur M. Sullivan Award.

From left, Dr. Jeff Keshen, Grenfell’s vice-president, presents Charlotte Hobden with the Sullivan Cup.
Photo: Lori Lee Pike

Similar to a student of the year award, this distinction is granted to a student who, in the opinion of their peers, has contributed most to the quality of student life at Grenfell Campus, through involvement in athletics, student council and/or clubs and societies on campus.

The winner is an outstanding student who has been able to combine a strong academic foundation with involvement of campus activities.

“We also look for a student who is not necessarily a leader, but someone who is a doer,” said committee members. “There is often a large pool of outstanding candidates. In the end, the committee selects a candidate who best enhances the quality of student life at Grenfell Campus. Chosen candidates often have exceptional time management skills with a desire to be active students who enhance their community.”

Kryston Munnings received the Lanier Phillips Award and the Student Goverance Award.
Photo: Lori Lee Pike

The process is designed to highlight the work being carried out by Grenfell Campus students, and there is great value in being recognized by their peers and Grenfell campus faculty and staff, said the committee.

This year’s winner is Charlotte Hobden, a visual arts student.

“Charlotte has not only been an outstanding art studen, and advocate for those with learning differences, but has been involved with the provincial and national artists union VANL-CARFAC, worked for the artist-run centre Eastern Edge Gallery, volunteered with the print-shop, and has been directly involved with fundraising for the visual arts show,” said her nominators.

Most significantly, they say, over the last year, she has single-handedly run the Parmenius Society — a society where faculty and students meet weekly to discuss selected readings submitted by a volunteer presenter. Ms. Hobden solicited presenters and facilitated the discussion.

Other award winners

Student Governance Award: Kryston Munnings
The Madeline Fowler Prize in English: Joshua Pittman and Muhammad Kurmoo
The Grenfell Campus Book Prize in English: Toni Leamon
The Tom Daniels Application Assistance Award: Taylor Burt
The Alan and Patricia Wright Psychology Travel Bursary: Abigail Peyton
The Duncan A. Ferguson Prize in Psychology: Abigail Peyton
The David Freeman Memorial Scholarship in English: Rachel Van Vliet
The Business Merit Award: Tong Liu
Reginald Shepherd and Helen Parsons Shepherd Award: Drew Pardy
Fine Arts Sisters of Mercy/Sisters of Presentation Education Fund Award: Alexander Stewart, Charlotte Hobden, Drew Pardy, Emily Clark, Luke Rowe and Santiago Guzman
Calvin White Indigenous Leadership Award: Vanessa Flowers and Veronica Flowers
Marina Bennett Butler Nursing Scholarship: Amber Plowman
Student Council Merit Awards: Abigail Amo, Carolee Martinez, Jenna Savery, Jessica Turner, Anna Dollimount, Joshua Pittman, Adam Gaudet, Toni Leamon, Abigail Peyton and Elizabeth Van Vliet
Teaching and Learning Awards:Theresa Janes and Ibrahim Berrada
The Lanier Phillips Award for International Students: Kryston Munnings and Charliza Slusher

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