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Student town hall

Students invited to town hall for information about fall semester

Student Life

By Ryan Howell

President Vianne Timmons and academic department leaders will host a town hall for students on Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 2 p.m.

The virtual session is an opportunity for students to learn about university life and provide information about the university’s health and safety protocols, on campus courses versus remote courses, student supports and services and living on campus.

Students will be able to ask questions of the panellists during the live event.

Dr. Timmons will be joined by Dr. Florentine Strzelczyk, provost and vice-president (academic); Greg MacDougall, chief risk officer; Dr. Sonja Knuston, director (internationalization); Shona Perry-Maidment, deputy registrar; Dr. Gavan Watson, associate vice-president (teaching and learning); Bruce Belbin, director (student residences); and Dr. Ken Fowler, director (Student Wellness and Counselling Centre).

All students enrolled in courses at the St. John’s campus are encouraged to attend. Students at the Marine Institute and Grenfell Campus will have separate events hosted by their campuses.

How to join

This event is being streamed through Facebook Live. Students who would like to join should visit either the Memorial University or the MUN Students Facebook page prior to the 2 p.m. start time.

You do not need to pre-register for this event.

Multiple ways to participate

Students are invited to email questions in advance to ask@mun.ca or during the event using the Facebook comment function. The moderator will read the question and direct it to the appropriate panellist.

This event will be recorded and shared with the university community at a later time. It will also be archived as a video on the Memorial University and MUN Students Facebook pages.

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