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Destination excellence

Faculty of Medicine launches five-year strategic plan

Teaching and Learning

By Michelle Osmond

It’s a new era in Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine.

That’s what Dr. Margaret Steele, the faculty’s first female dean, and the sixth overall, sees for the university’s medical school.

One of the first things on her agenda after she was hired in August 2016 was a strategic plan. And she delivered.

Destination Excellence launched in January 2018.

Book cover with photos

The inspiration behind the plan was serving communities.

“Our ultimate goal is to meet the unique health needs of our rural, remote and urban communities; and advocate for health, equity, Indigenous health and healthy populations,” said Dr. Steele.

“That’s what we’re inspiring to do with this plan — whether it’s through our research, our education or our social accountability, that’s our goal.”

Goals and priorities

Throughout 2017, Dr. Steele engaged faculty, staff, learners and stakeholders in the strategic planning process. She says it was important to her to have everyone at the table and give all stakeholders a chance to participate.

“The Faculty of Medicine is entering the next five years in an environment that is highly complex and constantly evolving because of the shifting needs of the people we serve and increasing complexities and demands of our education, research and health-care system. With this plan we have a shared vision and a shared set of goals and priorities that will guide us and we’re very excited about that.”

Victoria Januszkiewicz was one student who took part in the surveys and focus groups that were held as part of the planning process.

“As a practising physician, it’ll be important to ensure that my education, research and services align to address community health issues.” — Victoria Januszkiewicz

Ms. Januszkiewicz, who started her doctor of medicine education the same time Dr. Steele arrived at Memorial, says having a woman like Dr. Steele as a leader in medicine is “very inspiring” and so is the strategic plan.

“As a future medical doctor, it’s important for me that the strategic plan aims to inspire leadership and collaboration. Leadership development in medicine is important and is only possible when opportunities are created and embraced,” she said.

“It’s also important to me that our strategic plan has social accountability as a main focus. As a practising physician, it’ll be important to ensure that my education, research and services align to address community health issues.”

The full plan, which includes the four pillars of improving lives, excellence in all we do, empowered people and enduring legacy, can be viewed on the Faculty of Medicine website.

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